Bath City stands with Ukraine

The players, management, staff, board and volunteers at Bath City are horrified by what is happening in Ukraine and want to share our solidarity with the Ukrainian people in words and deeds.

On Saturday there will be a minute’s applause before our match against Ebbsfleet United to show that we stand with Ukraine, its people and the other countries affected or threatened by this crisis.

There will also be a bucket collection at the match for the Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal and we ask that you bring cash to give your support. Or you can donate online now to enable the humanitarian work the Red Cross is undertaking in Ukraine and the bordering countries.

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Thank you for your support. We know that our fans are committed and generous and we hope that together we can make some difference to the lives of people suffering in this war.

If you have suggestions and can help put in place other ways the club can assist, such as collecting cold weather clothing and equipment, please contact