Meet the Players – Mo Touray

Recently we caught up with loanee forward Mo Touray who has recently returned to the side following injury. The Salford City man talks about his training
schedule, injuries and the Christmas matches…

How good has it been to be back out on the pitch for Bath City over the last couple of weeks?

“It’s been the best feeling. As a player, you want to be playing every game possible and helping the team out as much as you can.”

Obviously you missed several matches, can you give us a brief run down of what happened and how things went getting fit back at Salford?

“It was an injury setback against Tonbridge. I pulled my quad in the warm up unfortunately, which ended up ruling me out of action for a couple of weeks longer than expected. I went back to Salford with a strict training plan which included double sessions every day in order to stay fully fit and get back stronger.”

Results were good at the start of the season but what do you feel went wrong during October/November that saw the team struggle?
“I wasn’t around for a few of those games. We unfortunately went through a period of losing back-to-back games which I think helped us now because we’ve become a tighter group and we know our roles and responsibilities of what it takes to win games now.”

How have you found playing at NLS level, has it been what you expected?
“Playing in the NLS has been a challenge. I expected it and that’s why I came. I enjoy the challenge and pushing myself to the limits. I feel I’ve got more than what I’ve shown
so far. The injury was a big factor but I am back and ready for more.”

Are you still daily with Salford, what does a typical Mo Touray week look like?
“A typical Mo Touray week involves a lot of travelling. Double sessions Monday to Wednesday with Salford, train Thursday morning with Salford then drive back to the South, basically straight after I get home, I’m setting off to training with Bath in the evening. Fridays, I do my own thing in the gym or 1-2-1 sessions and Saturday is match day. Sunday then travel back for another week of madness.”

A couple of wins in this league and you can really kick on, is confidence good in the changing room following back to back league wins?
“The confidence in the group has been very good, winning back-to-back league games has brought the team closer. We’re bonding and enjoying playing for this team. We went through a challenging phase but we’ve stuck together and our aim is to keep that run going.”

What is the plan in terms of your loan going into 2022, are you going back to Salford in January?
“I can’t speak much about the plans going forward, but at the moment I’m going to give every game my all for this team until my loan ends.”

Finally, looking ahead to Christmas, how excited are you to play in the derby games with Chippenham?
“Christmas is a great period to play games. There are games constantly and you want to be involved in the upcoming derby. I’m excited to play in the derby because I know what it means to the fans and the players to win this game.”