A thank you from the Chair

Following Saturday’s memorable Grand Homecoming Match, three points and bumper opening day crowd, Bath City Chair Nick Blofeld sent out this message:

“Just a short note from me and the Board to say a huge thank you to everyone who helped the club so much, in what ended up as the longest “off season” in history! It was a tough time for so many but, as ever, our supporters were brilliant and again rallied round the Club when needed, and also helped many others less fortunate and more exposed than themselves.

The work done by volunteers around the ground has been fantastic, and the generosity in helping with the Crowdfunder to raise money to be able fix our structural issues was outstanding. Too many individuals have contributed to mention everyone here, but a big collective “thank you” from me and the Board to all those who have helped in so many ways.

We had some important guests for the Billericay game, and looking out over the immaculate pitch and across at the newly black and white Bath City branded Popular Side was a special moment, and showed the Club off in a great light. And I think many of us were quite emotional when Nessun Dorma rang out, not something I ever expected to hear at Twerton Park! I think Jerry had been keen on that and creating something special to kick the league season off. We certainly got a great atmosphere and strong vocal support which was great to see and hear. And, to cap it all, it was the biggest home crowd for the first game of the season since 1972 at 1,180.

The noise, drama and atmosphere clearly suited the players who put in a great performance to win comfortably and in style. Well done and thanks also to them and the coaching team.

Thanks to everyone on and off the pitch, behind the scenes, in the stands or on the terraces for a stirring start to the new league season, it was great to see and hear everyone back at Twerton Park.”
